the life of hips

yes, I do have big hips....


After 305 entries, I've moved
posted by molly  # 12:10 AM



Dance chicken, dance.
posted by molly  # 9:27 PM


Yeah yeah yeah. I never update. I never have a reason to update. Nashville is good though. I love being here. It's weird though, I came back to it expectingit to be the same Nashville that I had left. It isn't. It is nothing like I thought it would be. I don't really talk to most of my friends from high school. They don't care to call me, so I see no reason as to why I should call them. It seems that the few people I have seen this summer have been people I didn't hang out with in high school, but they make somewhat of an effort to contact me, so I know they somewhat care to see me, or at least have nothing better to do. I work a lot. I spend somewhere between 35-45 hours a week at Sonic. I only work days though. I'm thinking of getting a second job to have at nighttime since I have nothing to do it. That way I'll always be busy, and I'll be ballin' when I get back to Memphis. I miss Gibson's. And the girls. I miss you girls so much. There's no one here that I can talk about boys with and be all girly. If I had a crush, I'd have no one to tell. It makes me sad. But it's only like three months til we are all back together, and then we can all go guy hunting together in Memphy. Donuts and boys here I come. Summer staffing is going well so far. I got the 8th grade girls. That makes me super duper happy. I don't know if they really like me yet, but we haven't had a lot of time to really hang out with them. I love the other summer staffers though. They are all great people and I am so looking forward to us all chilling and our weekly trips to Satco. Mmm, I could really go to Satco right about now. Or some creme brulee. I've got concerns right now, and I think creme brulee could make me forget about them. Or a chicken salad sandwich from Great Harvest. That's what I'll do on Tuesday. Go to Great Harvest. The guy will hit on me, so that'll make me feel good about myself. Yay for boys! I hate boys. I really don't like dealing with them at all. I'm not a big fan of people in general at the moment. A lot of my relationships are confusing me. Everything is weird. I don't know. My second job might be at a tanning salon. If that isn't funny, then I don't know what is. My Beth came to Nashville this weekend. We went shopping then out to El Palenque. Mmmm. My Tammy is coming home soon. I think. I don't really know though. I haven't seen her in forever. I miss her. When she comes home, I'll have a friend, so I'm excited. She and I have a plan to work out together. We both miss being skinny. But we'll see how that goes. I could be putting all of this into paragraphs, but I really don't want to. Deal with it. I don't like it when people don't like me. That makes me very unsettled. I realized that this weekend. If someone doesn't like me, I can't handle it. It upsets me more than anything. Even if I don't know them. So please like me, and if you don't like me, then let me know, so we can talk about our differences, and so I can know where I need to improve. I love God. He's crazy, and works in the most mysterious ways. Barry called me the other day. He's weird. Aw, I heard from Virginia today. It was exciting. I miss her. Diane too. I need a new cell phone. That is going to be my next and last big purchase of the summer. Today we had our church picnic. I had a hot dog, and a snowcone, and too much cotton candy. There will be a few pictures of that when I find my cord to connect my camera. It's really hot in my room, and I'm sleepy. The picnic was kinda fun. I liked the people I hung out with for the most part, so that made it enjoyable. Part of me still felt like I was in the youth group though, and that part was not enjoyable. Modesty was not the policy of the day. I need to clean my room. I really want to go and climb trees, and you should come with me. I've got to start writing in here more often for all you readers out there, sorry. I've started writing in my real journal more though, and that's like, my personal stuff. I just talked to God in the middle of writing this, and some of those relationships that are a little stressful, I just gave them to Him, and I'm cool with 'em now. I've really got to listen to God more. He knows how to handle everything. And I don't. He's cool. You should get to know him better. I should get to know him better. Okay, well hopefully this update was long enoughto satisfy all of you. Our dog visitors are barking and it is bothering me. Okay, flossing time, but I'll leave you with what movies I've seen within the past few days...

posted by molly  # 12:49 AM


Another day, another two movies...

posted by molly  # 8:46 PM


08.03   09.03   10.03   11.03   12.03   01.04   02.04   03.04   04.04   05.04   06.04  

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