the life of hips

yes, I do have big hips....


yeah... so I should be in class all the time, or I will be bored, just like this...

Who Will You Marry? by Sari
DateDecember 1, 2029
SpouseClay Aiken
Price of Wedding$956,089
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

my wedding to clay aiken will cost more than I will make in my entire life...

Your Claim to Fame by Danika
Day of Birth:
Lucky Number:
Claim to Fame:Royal Honor or Title
Years You Will be Remembered:91
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Look what sonic can do for me…. I can get a royal title due to my mad skating skills....

Who will your ex-husband be? by Bert
Ex-HusbandDavey Havok
Date MarriedAugust 10, 2008
Date DivorcedJune 17, 2019
Reason for DivorceHe cheated with another man
Amount of Alimony$81,577
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

I have got to get better taste in men

posted by molly  # 3:01 PM


Top quotes heard from the roomie tonight while i was trying to sleep:

- "Sure I gave Tyrone* my virginity, but I am not in love with him because he took it. I don't even care about him.
- "Even to this day, I say no"
- "Of course I write down how many guys I've kissed. There is no way I can remember them all."
- "I'd be in a relationship with hm if he'd just stop touching me."
- "I got me a new shirt. It says 'sex on the beach is not just a drink' it's so adorable! Almost didn't find me one, but I had ta"
* Names have been changed to protect the poor in taste.
posted by molly  # 11:46 PM
and someone told me i would never succeed at sonic.... maybe if i had money, i could buy friends!

How rich will you be? by quill18
Favorite Colour
Year of Birth
You will be worth:$50,246,348
You will make your first million on:December 17, 2005
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

posted by molly  # 7:59 PM
Today has just not been a good day. I woke up at 10:30, which is when i realized that my calc2 class started at 10:20... so i get to class 20 minutes later, only to zone out everything he says, because it is the fundamental theorem of calculus, which I already know and he doesn't teach as well as Mr. king. Well, then i go to my honors forum, which seems like it will actually be interesting, but kind of comflict with my beliefs seeing as to how it is based on darwinism and all that jazz. But as I walk home from this class, i am talking to this guy and he seems like he might be cool, which was neat to finally meet someone at this place for 20,000 students. So i come back to my dorm, start watching a movie, and behold slutty roomie comes in, as do repair guys for out cable. they fix it, and slut from next door came over and they decided to play the tv as loud as they possibly can. it is as if they are trying to scare me out of being here or something, i dont know. So, I take a shower and get ready for my honors dinner. I go and look around the room of 150 or more faces, and see absoultely no one that I know. i sit next to a girl who I think is in my honors psych class... we start talking and realize that she knows Lizzy and the Bishops and all sorts of people. I get home and i realize that after going to nearly a weeks worth of classes, there is no one that is here that I would think of get to knowing as a good friend. then I get home and try talking to people, but all of my old "friends" seem as though they are too busy, which really doesnt make my mood any better. I just feel like a hassle to some people, or that I am their burden, something botherson. I called someone to vent to them about me having to leave my room so the terrible twosome can live together, and he just makes me feel bad for being upset about it, because there is probably a reason for me living with whoever I end up with. i mean, that is true, but it seems nothing has gone right since i have been here, and i just want a time to complain. oh well, maybe i was just meant to have a terrible time at college. who knows. i am just so ready to graduate. it really sucks here.
posted by molly  # 7:29 PM
Just took the, like, totally 80's quiz, and my results are:

You Can't Touch This — MC Hammer

Might as well face it, you're addicted to the 80s! Like, totally rad man! You are a true 80s baby and you're not willing to give up on the nostalgia of watching sitcoms and Molly Ringwald movies! You proudly wear your legwarmers and your sunglasses at night. You were disappointed when the return of eighties fashions was short-lived. Try not to get too carried away: the days of singing raisins and sketchy Reagans are like, totally in the past dude. Try to find a way to take the things you loved about the eighties and incorporate them new millennium style and you will be one gnarly betty. Awesome!

posted by molly  # 2:51 AM
What a sad future I am looking into....

Happy Deathday!
Your name:hips
You will die on:Monday, September 26, 2022
You will die of:Suicide
Created by Quill

I must do something good for mankind pretty soon then....
posted by molly  # 1:55 AM
Top Ten Reasons I am glad to be going home on Friday:
10. Air conditioning while i sleep (you don't realize what a necessity that is until you lose it)
9. Sonic. The food. When I make it.
8. My 12 hour shift for Saturday. All i can say is: "bling bling"
7. My little friends who are still in high school. Gee, I feel for you guys.
6. Mommy and daddy are all about doing my laundry and making my food for me.
5. No stories about how roomie did stuff with lots of boys.
4. No stories about gross suitemate doing stuff with lots of boys
3. I do hear some of my fellow college homies will be there.
2. All the clothes I left at home and must bring back with me

and finally...

1. No calculus
posted by molly  # 1:50 AM


College is borrrrring. boring. despite what they tell you. Maybe it is just because I have no television yet and my roomie clearly has it out to get me. I can't stand hearing about her and one of our suitemates romantic (aka gross and sexual) encounters.... Gee whiz... it makes no sense what kind of guys like these girls.... I think i am being a tad bit too critical. sorry to all my readers, or lack thereof...
posted by molly  # 11:37 PM
Yeah, so my roomie apparently wants me to move out.... She and our suitemates were together last year, and she decided that she wanted to room with one of them, which leaves me out in the cold with all my crap. If only I were a confrontational person, then I think i would be able to tell her that she and hobag, oops, I mean Jessica (or whatever this girls name is) should move their sorry little booties somewhere else. Gee, sometimes I wish I was a lot meaner than i am. But someone in this world has to be nice, right? Hm... last night wasn't all that swell, and it looks as if tonight isn't going to be good either. Sorry this is crappy for my first post, but if my first roomie weren't so crappy it would be different...
posted by molly  # 11:30 PM


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