the life of hips
yes, I do have big hips....
in case any of you are actually concerned enough to wonder whyh i won't be posting, it's because i am on the world's earliest spring break ever, so yeah, scouty and i are in disneyworld. leave me a note or something. i heart you all.
What Irrational Number Are You? |
You are √2 You are in good company, many other square roots are also irrational numbers. Just by being a square root you have been branded a radical. You are considered very attractive, especially by Europeans (at least on paper.) You fear that a relationship with another √2 may somehow end up complex and ultimately imaginary. In reality, only another √2 will make you whole. Your lucky number is approximately 1.41421356 |
Tammy got leve 2.... Sydney got level 7... i'm doin good.
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
Okay, so I had to clean today, and my mom brought my 'junk boxes' out of the attic for me to go through. one of them contained pure junk that i haven't gone through in at least four years (judging by my thingy that was on top that said 'happy 2000'), and then the other box was like, pictures from elementary school, tcap scores, report cards, and so on and so on. So I was reading through it all, and I have a journal in class from when I was 7. It was really sad, because on almost like half of the entries, i talked about how my day was sad because my baby sitter didn't feed me. Then there was another journal close to that time, which we had to give a title to (at least that is what I am assuming), so here are some excerpts from "The Cat's Meow"...
"I would like to teach my cat these words: servant, healthy, summer, learn, school, please, and atom"
"I do all of my brother's chores, then my sister's chores, then I cut firewood"
"Today our babysitter wouldn't let us eat or leave the room"
"My new year's resolution is to become the world's best jump roper"
"If I were president... I would live in the white house"
Don't you think that if that book were published, you'd totally want to read it? Yeah, I know I was a smart kid, what with that good presidential campaign I could have run and all. Plus, just think what I could have done with all the work I did around the house, especially without a babysitter who would feed me. I was a good little kid. Santa probably didn't think so.
One of my letters to Santa-
"Dear Santan,
I have trided to be good this year, but I cannot because I have a brother and sister.
Please sing your name
Molly Davidson, age 6"
Next letter:
"Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like a new Santa"
*note* everything in quotes was taken directly from the blue box on my floor. none of what is written above are typos, but exactly what I wrote. hence the quotation marks, moron.
STYLE="background-color:#FFFF00; border: 2px solid black;">
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. |
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hehe. makes me laugh.
it's just so hard. to do this. to pretend this. i can't do it.
that was the best episode of sex and the city ever!
Okay, well i got all of these except the last one. makes me wanna totally go back to the 80s...
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE".
2. You watched the Pound Puppies.
3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tired to start a club of your own.
6. You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
7. You know that "WOA" comes from Joey on Blossom.
8. Two words: M.C. Hammer
9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock".
10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales".
12. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
13. You wore a pony tail on the side of your head.
14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.
15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
16. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
17. You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) with friends at school.
18. You wore Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it.
19. L.A. Gear.....
20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten.
21. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing" and all the Ramona books.
22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
23. You wanted to be a Goonie.
24. You ever wore, fluorescent, if you will, clothing.
25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off...
26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
27. You took Lunch Pales to school.
28. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.
30. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.
31. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
32. You thought Sheera and He-Man should hook up.
33. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.
34. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.
35. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
37. You remember going to the skating rink before there were in-line skates.
38. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
39. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
40. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.
41. You've gone through this list occasionally saying "This wasn't from the 80's!"
42. You remember Popples.
43. "Don't worry, be happy"
44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.
45. You wore socks scrunched down.
46. "Miss MARY MARY MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK"
47. You remember boom boxes vs. cd players.
48. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
49. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!!"
50. You remember watching Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony Tales"
51. You thought Doogie Howser was hot.
52. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
53. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool.
54. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell", the ORIGINAL class.
55. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THRU THE HEART.
and now my fish whoopi died.
and they didn't wait for me to flush it.
they flushed it.
with no funeral.
they didn't care.
thank goodness tomorrow is friday.
could today get much worse??
we had a fire alarm.
at 1 am.
that sucked.
i think i would very much like a weekend at home.
now i just have to call the parentals and see if they will be there...
i'm going to let all of you in on more of my life than you'd ever really want to know. so sorry for that, but there is really no one person i can talk to about this, so i have to get it out here.
The past year has not been going in my favor at all. I got to college in August, and everything seemed alright, but my first roommate and i have complications, so that was no good. Then I got a new roommate a week later, and everything seemed like it was going to be much better off. But i missed brian. (To give you background on that, Brian and i had been dating for a few months, until about late May when i decided that things needed to end with him before college, because that would make it too hard.) i missed him more than i can even express. and i talked to sydney and people about it. i found out that i'd be able to actually see him (for pretty much the first time since i had broken up with him) in october. i really wanted to tell him what all had been going on in my life. so i went home that weekend. i planned to tell him about how depressed i had been, about how much i hated school, about how much i wanted to transfer, about how i had no friends here, about everything that was going wrong in my life, but all that came out was how much i missed him, and how much i wanted him to be back in my life. long story short, we ended up getting back together that night. things started to look up now that he was back with me. i seemed happier. even though i still didn't like it here and didn't have many friends, i at least had someone to talk to and someone to escape to and call and tell everything too. i still wanted to transfer, but i didn't know where, or where the money would come from. the thought of transferring to utc came up, but i realized that everyone would just assume that i would be transferring there only to be with brian. so the first semester ended. all through winter break i requested transfer applications from schools around tennessee. i looked for scholarships, and i saw brian. by this point i was totally in love with him. we had decided that we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. we were in love. and we never wanted to leave each other. he finally came to see me in memphis, and this past valentines day weekend i went to see him in chattanooga. i don't think i could have asked for a better weekend. but then, valentines night, brian and i decided that we needed to go on a break. don't be mad at either one of us for hurting the other, because this is something that we both knew we needed to do, and that it would end up being positive. we've crossed lines with each other that we told each other we would never crossed (even if you think you know what that means, you probably don't) and we know that only time apart will help us with that. it is something that we need to work on within ourselves and then move back closer together and work on it together. we need to be not only strong as a couple, but strong individually. so that has been a major thing in my life happening. the boy that i am in love with, and i'm not able to see him for more than a month. and who knows, even once we see each other it may not be time. and i am terrified that he is going to date another girl and that will just make the pain that is already inside of me so much more deep. i don't know that i could handle that. and i mean, what if i were to date another guy? that would make me hurt for him, because i know he would be hurting because of it. but we both need to date other people too. we need to see what is out there, and grow in that way i think. although we are in love, we need to learn from other people and other relationships. and as much as it hurts me, i knew he should date other girls. so lately everything has set me off. i cry more than once a day now because of everything. i've gotten so stressed out this semester that i started out with 19 hours, now i am down to 13. i know i couldnt handle more. there has just been so much going on other than him. he had no effect on the hours thing. that was all my call because i would have freaked out if i had that much work and very well have gone of the deep end. i know i have my fair share of problems, and i need a lot of prayer. i can't handle this alone, and i am just now realizing this. but i'm not strong enough to talk to people about this really. and i never have been strong enough to take on anything all alone, i've just been far too stubborn. every situation that i have mentioned in this post is still very obvious in my life, and i need prayer about each one. i'll never overcome any of it without you guys. i'll tell you about any of the situations in detail if you'd like to ask me privately, except the brian situation, that is something we need prayer for, but not the details to be shared. i would really like to thank colby, davidknight, and brian for all expressing their concern for me tonight. i had a major meltdown, and although it didn't seem like i responded well at all. it means a lot to me. and it definitely helped.
i just want to be happy again. and i need you all to help. in prayer and actions. thank you so much.
i'm so freakin' stressed out right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
people have searched on various search engines for the following things. this is how they were led to my site.
1. suckysucky
2. pictures of gw bush's twins
3. balloon mollies
4. go bluebird commercial
5. silver molly "picture"
6. funniest shirt
just to name a few. sorry colby, i put your site to shame.
and yes, this makes four posts in like an hour, and yes that is enough. time for me to go to sleep now. nitey nite. oh, and sydney, where is that muscley armed paper boy??
Oh yeah, this is my car:
This was my car yesterday:
To update you all on my life, I will rehash what has been going on somewhat lately...
by using short sentences and pictures that is
(other than lindsey's butt whack)
Last night we went to Gibson's (the land of donuts) where all donuts are 6 for a dollar after 11, which is amazing for the college student's budget. Whilst there, (we were there because we have a fire drill... joy) lindsey was just putting her feet on the wall, acting like a four year old, when we noticed something. Who can tell what is wrong about this picture?
I have been living at a restaurant. Well not so much as living, but rather eating there every other day. I don't think their beds are comfortable enough for me. So, just to let you know, the colonel says hi.
My sister has a new flavor of the month. His name is Ian. His major is something like Risk Management....snore.... okay, sorry, lost interest in that... He met the family, they seem okay with him and his odd love of spreading appleseed around the nation... that kid reminds me of someone....
Clearly Sydney and I work hard. At least judging by this picture that we posed for.
After I went to see little brian may in chattagaynooga, my dad called and told me the weather was bad, so i needed to come home. what he really meant to say, was 'hey, the weather is bad, so why don't you drive through the brunt of the snowstorm, try to kill yourself, and tell me how much fun it was'. After seeing 7 wrecks, taking three and a half hours (for a two hour drive) and building a snowman while I was stuck in traffic, I had my fill of snow.
Me building my snowman:
and yes, that is pretty much what i've been up to.
colby, sorry for stealing that picture from you.
brian, thanks for everything. love you.
david k., you're the greatest. thanks for talkin to me.
eric, separate bedrooms, yay. and no more flak.
tammy, lumpy hamster?
hubby, i miss you. we need to talk more.
sister, i heart mexican hot dogs and sergio.
brother and netty, where are my comments?
father and mother, why do you not talk to me?
scouty, 11 days til disneyworld. poor phouse.
lindsey, no, your feet are not on the ground.
and yeah, with all those random notes, i'm out.
if i didn't leave you a note, then maybe you could comment, and i'd know you read my blog, and i'd leave you a note too.
oh, and in other news, our poor little suckerfish, ed, died today. We had a lovely funeral this afternoon in the bathroom. He deserved to go to the porcelain heaven. What a good fish he was. Oh, and the babies are alive and healthy living in little rock. we will miss them greatly.
goodnight to all, and goodbye
maybe it is just the seventh inning stretch...
and just like that, it's all over.
i have a valentine. and i believe what it says for all of you.
so happy valentines to all my readers.
our white mollie fish named casper is a mommy!
well, she's been a mommy since yesterday, but still!
she gave birth to 15 babies that we saw. sadly, we could only rescue 11.
their names are: margarita, tequila, daquiri, hangover, smirnoff ice, bacardi, sober, shirley temple, cosmopolitan, brewski, kaluha
here's a pic. they're so tiny!
oh yeah!!!
we got fish!!
we got a black balloon molly, named whoopi.
we got a silver molly named casper.
we got a dalmation molly named pongo.
and we got a suckerfish named ed.
yay for sydney, lindsey, scout and me! hoorah!
i will post pictures of them later, cause i know you wanna see 'em.
and i'd like to give a shout out to our new walmart boyfriend david, for giving us our fish for 28 cents when there were really like 4 bucks. he said all we had to do was go visit him again. haha. makes me laugh. he thought he knew me. poor david. i can't wait til our next date! wahoo!! more to come on this when im not so tired.
lindsey is one odd girl.
if only you;d live with her, you'd know.
today was a so-so day.
things are weird, and i don't know why.
peevyhouse forever.
and i miss molokai.
this entry was more than one sentence.
you'd better be happy.
i promise a real entry later.
song response due tomorrow.
ahhhh! i hate tools! like, people who are tools! (and no tammy and david, i don't mean you, although you are a tool, but i don't hate you). but anyways. this guy here at school just started dating this girl on my floor. they've been together for like... a week and a half now, and they're all lovey dovey, which i mean, is gay, but whatever, they can do whatever. but when all you talk about is the girl you're with... that's not cool. like this guy, i knew him before the girl, and he seemed nice, we talked once. the entire first semester. the girl and i have talked a few times, and she is friends with someone who is close to me. so they start dating, and he feels the need to be everybody's friend. that is not why you become friends with someone. not at all. he was talking to me for like an hour one night last weekend. about how much he missed her. they had been together for not even five days. and it had been 24 hours since they had last seen each other. and then he was like, 'so, how's your love life', and i was like 'well, my boyfriend that i havent seen for two weeks, i only get to see for like two hours this weekend, and then not again for another two weeks' and he was like 'oh, well im okay, cause i just talked to her a couple of minutes ago.' any of you who dont go to the same school as your significant other know exactly where im comin from. i mean, i don't know if i'm being ridiculous about this, but i know three people who will back me up on things like this concerning him. and here i am going to go and pretty much quote what someone else (who shall remain nameless) has said:
"she is such a sweet and wonderful girl and friend. she's just one of those people, you know? but i really really dont like him. at all. i have never heard anyone talk about themselves as much as that boy does. every conversation i start with him, the conversation always ends up being about him. he is so self centered. and just.. i dont even know how to describe it. i could quote so many things he's said to me about people and about me to people thats just... i want to say ignorant, but i know im really ignorant too.. i dotn know its so just not his place to say. he is not God, and he does not know people and who they are and what their intentions are or anything about them based on what they look like... you just cant do that. and he makes these comments that are supposed to be cute and funny and of course she loves it and giggles like a little girl everytime.... but its not cute and its not funny. its usually hurtful or rude, aimed at somebody in the room, or even at me.. and he says it in a joking way, but... i cant explain it. i can handle sarcasm, you know? but its like he does it to make himself look better. but not directly, so no one could actually confront him about it. grrrrr...i dont know what to do. i love her, and i can just see everything unfolding. she is going to 'fall in love' and she is going to get hurt. what can i do about it? its not good for her."
thanks to her for saying all that.
so what are your opinions? do you think this guy is a tool? whatever shall we do?
pretty picture of the day for you meanies who don't comment: (except lindsey and dave)
you can buy me these if you don't want to get calla lillies
the only reason i am posting this, is so we can all see something pretty today (even though you hate me)
yay! and to let you all know that you should all buy me calla lillies...
well all of you kids hate me and refuse to comment on my page. i would like to inform you that the good ole u of m beat the number 6 team, louisville. yay! im happy! but i dont like you kids. cause you dont like me.
on the other hand, i am bored, so i am going to do the
*daily dirt*
1. Would you rather be a porn star or a nun/pope? nun, definitely... i would rather wear a nun's habit, and not have sex, then have sex with ron jeremy-types and wear hideous clothes....
2. Would you rather be a man or a woman? woman. boys suck. and i dont want to suck.
3. Would you rather have kids or lotsa pets? kids. just so long as there aren't a whole bunch of 'em. and so long as i have those kiddie leashes. cause those crack me up.
4. Would you rather eat a talking gorilla or a senile dog? senile dog. i've had some sketchy chinese before, so i am sure i have had dog at some point. plus, a talking gorilla might be cool to chill with. we could have a romantic dinner together of dog!
5. Would you raher go on American Idol audition or Fear Factor? fear factor. but if i had to eat some nastiness, i would quit, cause i really dont care about the money.
Tammy got over 100 hits from her website from people searching for things about Janet Jackson's boob. that is craziness. i got like four, and i had yet to talk about it until now. for goodness sakes... what are everyone's views on it? do you really think it was an accident? leave me a comment and say. since justin was raised in memphis, last night on the news, his grandfather was interviewed as to whether or not he thought justin did it. of course poor little grandpa talked about how there was no way justin meant to do that and yadda yadda yadda. stupid justin deceiving his grandpa like that. how sad. so yeah, leave me a comment about it. i've decided that is what i am going to do. since you people never want to comment for me, i'm gonna ask a question, so you best answer it in a comment (ya know, a hip), because i write, so you need to too. I had a good weekend. sadly i was even sicker than i was last week(as you can tell by the dying comment) so i only saw b-rian once. but it was a nice long weekend anyway. sam and netty got into their apartment, i'm hoping they got their furniture and crap from the moving men, but i don't quite know about that. scout and i are trying to find people to go on spring break with us. we're thinking disneyworld, but who really knows. so really, anyone that wants to go to florida sometime around mar 1-7... let me know. it'll be a nonstop party. promise. alright. time for me to nap before i have more class.
oh, but i'll leave you with a mollyism:
Sydney and i were chillin over on her bed, and here goes...
molly: what is it about you that makes me want to be so dirty?
molly: in the not showering kind of way...
yeah... that was nice...
peace. holler.
